The Soul of Motherhood™
Integral Motherhood Coaching
Helping parents connect with their innate wisdom to parent with deep purpose and clarity.
Pediatric Sleep Services
Developing sleep strategies by utilizing a “thinking outside of the box” style for solving sleep issues in infants and young children. Trained in the Millette Method™ I use multiple sleep methods and sleep arrangements to help families acheive their sleep goals.
Supporting mothers in:
Re-Wilding the Soulful Mother
Understanding your child’s development in context of learning
Parenting with the clarity of purpose rooted in Soul
Finding sure footedness and clarity for their path ahead
Moving from reactivity to creative action
Working with overwhelm and anxiety
Bonding with baby
Creating ”whole-family” schedules, rituals, and routines
Developing healthy sleep habits
Exploring fears and worries about becoming a mother
The Millette Method™ Pediatric Sleep Consultant Program is the most comprehensive, evidence-based training program, Tool-Box Sleep Solutions™ for pediatric sleep consultants across the globe. The program requires two years of training one-on-one with program developer and founder Dr. Angelique Millette. The Millette Method™ Pediatric Sleep Consultant Program is the only program in the country that requires that all enrolled practitioners have an MA, MS, PhD, or PsyD and also Lactation Educator training. All of the practitioners have a background in Child Development, Family Systems Approach, Infant Mental Health, Perinatal Mental Health (including Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia), Lactation Education and/or Consulting, and Counseling. Developed over 20 years by sleep researcher, sleep consultant, and child therapist Dr. Angelique Millette, The Millette Method™ is an evidence-based family sleep approach informed by scientific research in child development, resiliency, sleep science, lactation, perinatal mental health, attachment, culture, neuropsychology, and family systems. The Millette Method™ practitioners believe that families do best if sleep methods are in line with their parenting philosophy. Millette Method™ practitioners also take into account developmental windows, regressions, child temperament, feeding method, attachment, history, degree of sleep deprivation, and sleeping arrangement. The Millette Method™ practitioners are personally selected by Dr. Millette to be a part of the team because of their specific contributions to the fields of family systems, child development, social work, counseling, psychology, education, lactation, attachment, health/wellness, and sleep.