Re-Wilding the Soulful Woman
Clarissa Pinkola Estes begins her book Women Who Run With The Wolves with the story of the old woman named La Loba. The story, from long ago, is about an old woman named La Loba. She would walk through the canyons and arroyos looking for bones, bones of dismembered animals. She would gather these bones into a pile by a tall bonfire, and she would start to sing. As she sang, the bones would begin to dance their way back together, the muscles began to stretch over the bones, and the blood started, once again, to flow through its veins. The creature’s beautiful fur started to emerge through its skin to recreate its luscious coat. And once the creature became fully alive, it ran off through the desert to live.
Women, over the centuries, have been dismembered, our bones scattered, conditioned to live a small portion of our fullest potential. This can leave us feeling exhausted, worried, sad, unfulfilled, lack of clarity, etc. Join me in going into the deep well of your potency, gathering these parts of ourselves that have been cast aside so you can live to your fullest potential, joy, creativity, and relational capability, and deepen your ability to respond to a multitude of situations.
Each person bears a uniqueness that asks to be lived. This uniqueness calls us to live a life beyond our current modes of being, beyond what our patterns of conditioning from family, community, and society have enculturated us to believe. This uniqueness reminds us that we have a reason to be here and that we have work to do.