Soul Centric Well Being

Becoming and being a woman is a dynamic, fluid, spiraling journey that simulateously calls us into our depths of our being while radiating out into the world. As opposed to individuating out going adventure that are told in the Hero’s Journey, the Heroine’s Journey is one of spiraling down, into the depths of our being, where a part of ourselves dies so we can allow a new birth to occur. The model embraces this non-linear approach and addresses various facets of our healing, finding our voice, our powers, our ability to respond creatively to the compexities of our times,

Each facet on this wheel informs the other. If we are rested and are eating nourishing foods, then resilience comes faster. However, if we are feeling like we are at a dead-end job that is not in accordance to our soul’s purpose, then the stress might inhibit our sleep, our ability to respond, and our relations to other. We all spiral in and out of each of these positions at various points of our lives.

It was not long ago when babies and children watched their mothers and women facilitated daily transformation within communal life – holding space for each other, tending to their babies and children with an intuitive knowing, honoring our Ancestors, and walking a way of wisdomsovereignty, and beauty in their expression of being as a Woman.

Using a holistic approach, I’ll guide you on a journey to re-connect you with your Soul, which holds your deep well of wisdom, potency, sovereignty, and passion for life. From this place, you will find clarity and develop the capacities to respond creatively to the multitude of challenges and complexities that modernity presents.